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Supplements, Treatments, & Diagnostics

Eye Care Associates offers the following supplements and treatments to support vision care services provided at our offices in Marietta, Beverly, and McConnelsville.

BlephEX: Treatment for Dry Eye

BlephEx® is a safe and effective in-office procedure designed to clean and exfoliate the edge of the eyelids, specifically targeting the area where bacterial biofilm, excess bacteria, and bacterial toxins tend to accumulate.

Learn more about BlephEX.

Prokera: Treatment for Dry Eye

Prokera® is a versatile treatment that stimulates regeneration and healing on the surface of the eyeball. It also doubles as a protective barrier that covers the cornea as it heals. The treatment takes the form of a device that works like a contact lens.

Learn more about Prokera.

De3 Omega: Supplements for Dry Eye

PRN’s De3 Dry Eye Omega Benefits is a superior omega-3 product that is specifically formulated for occasional eye dryness and to provide the body with the essential nutrients it needs to produce a soothing, healthy, tear film.

Learn more about De3 Omega Supplements.

Numaquala: Supplements for AMD

Studies suggest that taking Numaquala daily can help protect the macula’s health.

Learn more about Numaquala.

VitreousHealth: Supplements for Floaters

Between the lens and the retina is the vitreous, a clear gel-like substance made up of water, hyaluronic acid, and collagen fibers. It needs specific antioxidants to protect it against oxidative stress and disease.

Research shows the vitreous loses these nutrients over time, causing the collagen fibers inside it to clump together. These clumps, called floaters, cast shadows on the retina.

VitreousHealth is the first evidence-based formula to help manage this irritating condition, offering patients and eye care professionals a safe, natural option to reduce the size and severity of floaters.

Learn more about VitreousHealth Supplements.

Dry Eye Examination: OCULUS Keratograph 5M

Eye Care Associates uses advanced technology to measure the quality and quantity of your tear film non-invasively during screening and diagnosis for dry eye.

The OCULUS Keratograph has a high-resolution color camera equipped with intelligent software to analyze the collected data and document the findings.

This test can also compare results to measure the success of dry eye treatment, takes less than 30 seconds, and does not require touching the eye.

Learn more about dry eye examinations.